March 16, 2020

Regional Approached to Coordinated Assessment, Prioritization and Housing Placement

Presented at: CAHP Presentation Denver,CO

Presented on: 04/16/2015

In this session we will share accomplishments, lessons learned, and obstacles that remain for regions that have participated in the 25 Cities, Zero: 2016, and Mayor’s Challenge initiatives.  The approaches that have been taken are varied with some deciding to build out their Coordinated Assessment and Housing Placement (CAHP) system directly in HMIS and others choosing to build their coordinated assessment system outside of HMIS.  The approaches taken for prioritizing clients for limited housing resources also vary.  Chronic homeless status, VI-SPDAT scores, frequency of shelter utilization, and medical vulnerability are all factors that can come into play when deciding which client should be next in line for housing.  Housing placement is made stronger and more likely with increased participation and support from Federal partners such as HUD and the VA.  We will explain how the CAHP system in Boston was structured to allow for VA participation, discuss the work being done to prioritize and match veterans and the chronically homeless to housing, and cover the development of the pilot CAHP pilot project in the seven-county Denver metropolitan area. The presentation will conclude with a conversation about the work that remains ahead if regions are to be successful in meeting their aggressive goals of ending veteran and chronic homelessness.

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